For members

The Group uses Online Scout Manager (“OSM”) to help it to administer its activities. This includes a parent portal on which you can sign your child up for events which the Group is running, look at the programme of meetings for the term and review your child’s progress in terms of badges earned. You can also update your own and your child’s Personal Details.

Parent Portal (Members)

Details of our activities will only be available through the Portal when your child becomes a member of our Beaver, Cub or Scout section.

For children on our waiting list

We keep our waiting list in a separate section on our OSM Parent Portal. This means you can access the information we hold for you at any time, e.g., to update your contact details so that we can get in touch when a place becomes available.

Login using the e-mail address you used when you added your child to the waiting list.

Update existing waiting list details

You can only add someone to our waiting list by completing the form on this web site.

Photographs/ Social Media

The Group posts photographs of its activities through encrypted links and a Closed Facebook Group which is available to members only.

If you are an existing member of the Group and do not have details of how to access these facilities then please contact a Leader.