Who are Scouts?

Scouts are young people, aged 101/2 to 14, who:

  • Master new skills and try new things
  • Have fun and go on adventures
  • Make friends
  • Help others

The Scout section is known as a “Troop” and is the oldest section offered at 7th Malden Scout Group. When they are 14, Scouts move on to Explorers (provided by Royal Kingston District Scouts) but keep close ties with the Group.

What do Scouts get up to?

Scouts meet every Friday evening during term time between 7.20 pm and 9.30 pm. They can also go on a wide range of additional events at other times such as camps (2 to 7 nights under canvas), hikes, expeditions, wild camps, water activities, climbing, archery and air rifle shooting.

By trying new activities and learning new skills Scouts earn Challenge badges which build toward being awarded the best badge in Scouts: the Chief Scouts Gold Award.

They also earn Activity badges such as “Entertainer”, “Hill Walker”, “Martial Arts” and “Pioneer” With so many to choose from there’s a badge to suit every Scout.

Find out more about awards and badges on the Scout Association web site.

Scouts love the outdoors! At meetings, camps or other activities we take every opportunity: playing wide games on the heath, night hiking, climbing, sleeping in survival shelters and more!

The Scout Promise

Scouting is a values based organisation open to people of all faiths and of none. Versions of the Scout Promise are available to reflect this. After a few weeks, when they decide to join, Scouts make their promise in front of the Troop and wear their complete uniform for the first time.


You don’t need it to join, but once you’ve settled in and know that you want to continue you will need to get uniform. We can help with the cost if this is a problem for you.

Wearing a uniform is comfy and practical. It means you can run around and get messy without ruining your other clothes. It makes you feel part of a team. It means no one feels uncomfortable or left out. And it gives you a place to show off all the brilliant badges you earn.

Scout uniform consists of a teal shirt with your badges sewn on and a coloured scarf or ‘necker’ to represent your local group, also a pair of navy blue activity trousers which are used in all sections. A Scout belt completes the picture.

Who leads Scouts?

All of our leaders are trained volunteers, working to make sure Scouts is safe and open to all. Some volunteer at the Troop week in and week out. Others visit occasionally to help run a session or drop in to share their skills. No matter how much time you have to spare, find out about volunteering on your own terms.

The bigger Scout family

There are Scouts all over the world. Millions of Scouts in hundreds of countries.

7th Malden Scout Group is part of the UK Scout Association and all activities are provided within the framework of its Policy, Organisation and Rules.

The Group has sections for Beavers (6 to 8 years), Cubs (8 to 10 1/2 years), and Scouts (10 1/2 to 14 years). When they’re 14, Scouts move on to Explorers (14 to 18 years), and Scout Network (for young adults aged 18-25). The Explorer and Network sections are run by Royal Kingston District Scouts, the parent organisation of which 7th Malden is part. There are close connections between the Scout Group and the District, so although Scouts leave 7th Malden Group when they are 14, they remain very much part of our Scouting family.